Thanksgiving Special- Magnus’ Ending (Ending 2 of 3)

If you were wondering if I completed a “Magnus Wins” scenario for Thanksgiving, then yes and although I love Diva, couldn’t feel bad this went unused…

Magnus settled backwards uncomfortably and his bloated belly wobbled due to the bloated woman inside him. The sensation of her sliding and bobbing around in there like a bar of soap in a sink sent waves of guilty pleasure throughout his body. Though dazed and ready to settle into a food coma, he couldn’t help but bite his lip…

Ruyadan sat herself before the slumbering Magnus’ great gut, embracing it, putting her ear up to it to hear Diva’s pleased moaning. Magnus’ occasional shifting and peristalsis was like the world’s slowest massage, but both Diva and Ruyadan basked in the feeling, in their own similar yet different ways. His insides were slick, meaty, and hot– fitting a meaty, muscular warrior as much as himself– but Diva’s being stuck between a belly and a soft place left her little room to adjust herself, her body testing the limits of his belly with a womanly-shaped bulge. Eventually, the sound of Magnus’ heartbeat, of both his and Diva’s working, churning bellies, the gurgling and groaning as their bellies struggled with merely containing their meals lulled remaining two to sleep.


He’ll have to work hard if he wants to work Diva off his belly and butt.


In the middle of the night, an anon crawled in through Misha’s open window. A shirtless Misha lay in his bed unaware, as the anon pried his mouth open and crawled inside, Misha’s body automatically swallowing them down into his previous toned belly. Unbothered, Misha merely turn onto his side in bed as his discontented stomach and content meal gurgled away. 

Eva herself had gone on a binge, breaking her previous diet to get in shape for her stripping job. She went to a restaurant offering an all-you-can-eat buffet, and she took them up on it. Last she remembered, she was on her ninth mug of beer and fifteenth double cheeseburger. Next she knew, she awoke in bed with a great, wobbling, belly filled with beer and meat under her already prominent layer of belly fat. Regardless of method, both found their guts grossly engorged in the morning and put their heads, and groaning bellies, together to find a solution.

Since Eva frequents yoga class, she offers up the body-toning method to make their suddenly acquired girth to just as suddenly melt away.

Navigating the room, she uncomfortably sat down as her upset belly loudly protested and sloshed. Then she laid down on her back and her stomach jittered as it let a monstrous groan out and shifted around the contents. Huffing, she began to arch her back carefully and elevate the yoga-ball belly, trying to keep it balanced. As her hands slid down and reached her feet, Eva thrust upwards, and her churning belly bobbed up and down like a balloon.

As its contents bent, flipped, and coiled inside her and massaged her stomach lining, Eva heaved her estatic breaths with pleasure due to the sensation. Just barely, she could call out the name of her pose over the vicious gurgling. If she held it any longer, she might have climaxed right there in front of Misha…

Once Eva calmed down from her exercise, it was rookie Misha’s turn. As he waddled his gradually fattening self to the mat, his belly cramped and a pleasurable moan could be heard… coming from inside him. The unwavering lump within him shifted and stretched, causing Misha to become flustered as the incoming air caused a loud obnoxious gurgle to fill the room. A few more attempts to reduce his belly size led to waves of digesting sounds to amplify as he routinely attemped to suck in his gut and contract his stretched out abs. Noticing his prominent lovehandles, he quickly laid down and his taut belly raised into the air. Misha threw his body upwards and attempted to fold over, but his plan stopped short as the wad of loud, gurgly flesh pinned him between the floor and itself. Flailing his thick legs to overcome it, his words were muffled by the bulging mass succumbing to gravity as he called out the pose name.

Turning his head as he gasped for air, Misha was forced to listen to his hard working stomach, groaning almost angrily as whatever inside it refused to break down. And echoing in his busy gastric chamber he could hear pleased cheers and moans. He wouldn’t admit it, but the noises, sensation, and perhaps lack of oxygen was almost arousing…

Observing the fruits of their hard work, Eva looks on their bloated stomachs with rose-colored glasses as Misha decides nothing has changed, at the least for him. The anon buried in his meaty depths is going nowhere, certainly not where Eva’s digesting meat will go. Her stomach had not changed in size despite the aided fervent digestion due to her growing fat layer. Additionally, her breasts had grown a full cup size, almost barely noticed in her elastic sports bra. For both of them, their butts and thighs are thicker than ever before and will make sitting around accumulating fat much easier. Though, Eva optimistically proclaims yoga will cut down their girth inevitably.

Easter Stuffing

Rusalka was quite pleased when Poison Princess fed her chocolate for Easter. A bit questioning when egg after egg, bunny after bunny found their way down her throat. A bit concerned as her waist bloated to accommodate the increasing mass of chocolate inside her body. Soon, it was less Rusalka being fed chocolate, to more Poison Princess feverishly supplying a single file line all the way to Rusalka’s growing stomach. 

Eventually she was stuffed so thoroughly, her massive churning, wobbling gut was heavy enough to anchor her in place, continually growing as the princess refused to cease piling the sweets into her mouth. Rusalka’s nice playboy bunny suit and pantyhose struggled, stretched, and tore against her massive engorged belly. She was sick of the taste of chocolate long ago, and didn’t feel both she and her GI tract can handle anymore chocolate, and yet the Poison Princess insists otherwise, saying they’re only halfway there…

Angel had no choice other than donning an embarrassingly skimpy playboy bunny suit. All his clothes had conveniently gone missing, replaced with these sole pieces of clothing. He was already in a sour mood this Easter, but being cornered and fed chocolate by Demon made it worse. 

Angel had no choice but to allow his stomach to fill up, bloat, inflate, and engorge with extremely sweet chocolate. What didn’t help his nausea was the fact when his belly was large enough to mount, Demon did so, all the while still feeding him. 

When Angel refused to take in the chocolate eggs and bunnies, Demon took it upon himself to take a fistful of chocolate and shove it into Angel’s mouth and down his throat. This went on and on until Angel’s gut was big enough to be Demon’s waterbed, who was now straddling it like it was a horse. Demon’s ferocious grasping and cramming of chocolate into Angel’s mouth didn’t slow down, and showed no signs of doing so anytime soon. 

Any time Angel attempted to protest, Demon eagerly crammed the sweet stuff down his pleasingly bulging throat, telling him it was rude to talk with his mouth full.