I couldn’t imagine Globbles being at a Halloween party could fool anyone who thinks it’s a slime costume.


Globbles crashed somebody’s Halloween party and Darwinism occurred when
some unsuspecting partygoer presumed her to be some sort of elaborate
costume and/or special effect and made the mistake of willingly touching
her. Wow, it feels like REAL slime sucking on his arm, look at how it
sticks. As she reached out with that enormous smile on what appears to
be her face her body slugged forward and enveloped his legs. By then it
dawned on him that there’s no such thing as a slimy blob costume and
this is just a slimy blob that’s engulfed half his body, rapidly
dissolving his pirate costume. Frantic struggling might have freed up a
couple of inches, but by then Globbles had already scooped up two
enormous handfuls of her body and folded them over his upper torso,
swallowing up the rest of him into what I guess is her stomach (which,
being a slime, is technically all over her body.)

At least 3 or 4 others fell for this instead of running away like they
should’ve, but it’s THE DISTANT FUTURE OF 2017 and there’s smartphones
and holograms or whatever so most people were willing to believe it was
just a halloween costume. And it was, because they were eventually
wearing it :v         

Happy Halloween °v°


When you run a business shipping crates of who-knows-what around, sometimes orders get mixed up and are no longer needed~! Problem there is what to do with them~? Thankfully Juno and Ruby are always up to the task of finding mixed-up rations a good home! *Just at a reasonable pace though of course, Juno tends to have a quicker appetite when it comes to these things~!*


People were asking that this be posted here so… here goes

Friends showed me a few tweets last weekend involving one of the Retsuk0 VA’s

So I got smashed in the face with my dear old friend, Inspiration-For-A-Bad-Idea, and

thought “wouldn’t it be funny if that actually came to pass? No, that’s dumb. That’s REALLY stupid.

Somebody needs to make this happen.”

…so then I spent the weeknights after work analyzing the episodes and finding audio clips to mash together, constructed animation models, and made something only-slightly-more-fabricated-than-most-blooper-reels-go happen. Jam that into your DVD release and voila~ 😀

The end! :V


You were really delicious!! But I’m still pretty hungry, so I’m just gonna have your lunch too, ‘kay? You don’t need it anyway!

Hey you! Yes, you. Thanks for being my lunch and letting me have yours! But do you think you have any friends I can eat? I’m still pretty peckish. :3