
Unpopular vore opinion #1 – B owsette prey is  a
criminally underappreciated take on this new bandwagon and needs to be a

Unpopular opinion #2 – Preferably if the one eating her is a dude.

ANYWAYSSS doodled this in between working on other stuff. B owsette becoming prey to a humanoid B owser of my own design~
Why’d i do it? Eh, because sometimes you just gotta do the content you want to see. XD

The male B owser is more based on personal preference in male body types
and looks rather than what makes a convincing humanoid version of him X3
Because hey. If you’re doing personal kink art, might as well go with
what you’re into right~? 😉

Plus, on the subject of being into things…I do like monstergirls being
cannibalized by their male counterparts. It’s good stuff yo.

Also, the second panel is why I do not draw samesize vore sequences.
Getting the unhinged jaw right is an absolute nightmare to do X’D