
Rapunzel sleep eats Anna, tries to push her out when she wakes up and realizes what shes doing, but ultimately gives in to the desires of her ass. That thing has a mind of its own when it’s hungry I tell ya. That and the fact that Anna kept struggling made it impossible for her to gain control of herself…now she’s a goner :. This is the reason Rapunzel stopped having sleepovers…her ass is always eating somebody. This incident is the third time this week! Somethings gotta give! Hope Elsa doesn’t find out…

Just realized I never uploaded this here lol. Here’s my newest animation, and Ive got a couple more on the way! If you’re familiar with my animations, Curiosity And The Cats 3 was just commissioned, so that’s in the works as well!

If you’d like to support the cause of me getting a new laptop, you can donate here:

New laptop would mean that I can push these animations out a LOT faster than I am now. Its hard and VERY frustrating animating this stuff on a craptop lol. Thanks in advance for any assistance provided!